Title: | Vampire Tales #2 Story (Buckler/Janson/Garzon) (1973) |
Artists: |
Rich Buckler penciller
Klaus Janson inker Carlos Garzon inker |
Issue: | 02 |
Page: | 06 |
Media Type: | Pencil and Ink |
Art Type: | Interior Page |
Status: | Personal Collection |
Views: | 1741 |
October 1973, Vampire Tales #2, Page #6, Rich Buckler pencils/Klaus Janson & Carlos Garzon - inks; written by the legendary Don McGregor! Hodiah Twist was a wealthy American whose fortune was wiped out during the Stock Market crash of 1929. His wife committed suicide by slashing her wrists and Twist was the one to discover her dead body in a bathtub of bloodied water. As a result of his double trauma, Twist retreated into a fantasy personality patterned after Sherlock Holmes, recasting himself as Holmes, and his trusted butler Conrad Jeavons as his Doctor Watson. Twist was called upon by the Police Captain known to him as the “Inspector” to solve the seemingly unexplained murder of Leroy Hayes, whose body had been found drained of blood in a locked room at a the Wharves. Revelations by Hayes’ friend, led Twist and Jeavons to a vampire brothel managed by Madame Angela, and filled with other vampire girls led by the sultry Christina. While Twist, who refused to believe in the existence of vampires, engaged into a hypnotic contest of wills with Madame Angela, Jeavons fought, and ultimately killed, Christina and the other vampire whores. Having prevailed, Twist forced Madame Angela to walk into sunlight, which caused her to turn to ashes. The full story script to this story can run for a couple of pages so I will stop with the above synapsis. Let me just say that I was looking for this story for years and recently obtained it to my ultimate delight.
Personal Collection