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Personal Collection // Curt Swan // Action Comics #396 (Swan/Anderson) (1971) (complete 13 pg story)

Title: Action Comics #396 (Swan/Anderson) (1971) (complete 13 pg story)
Artists: Curt Swan penciller
Murphy Anderson inker
Issue: 396
Page: 02
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Status: Personal Collection
Views: 1887

R.I.P. to the great Murphy Anderson!, January 1971, Action Comics #396, Page #2 Curt Swan pencils/Murphy Anderson inks, “The Super-Panhandler of Metropolis!”; by the legendary team of Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson!; I am blessed to be able to acquire the complete 13 page story to Action Comics #396 from 1971;
The Super-Panhandler of Metropolis, Part 1. In an 'imaginary' story set in the 1990s (it's interesting to see how their vision of the super-science of the 1990s differs from what actually happened), Superman has lost most of his powers and is confined to a wheelchair. Perry White is dead and Jimmy Olsen is the head of a large media company. Scientific advances have made Superman's powers largely redundant. Superman has been reduced to begging on the streets in order to buy food for the people who share his home in an abandoned tenement. The conclusion of the story is in Action 397.

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